GILDA BRASILEIRO - Against Oblivion

documentary by Roberto Manhães Reis and Viola Scheuerer

May, 24th 2024, 7 pm @ Casa da Democracia, - Jardim Arua, Caraguatatuba (SP)

film & debate with Gilda Brasileiro


May, 29th, 2023, 6:30pm @ FATEC, Porto Grande

film & debate with Gilda Brasileiro


May, 17th, 2023, 2pm  & May, 18th, 7 pm @ Museu de Antropología do Vale de Paraíba (MAV)

film & debate with Gilda Brasileiro


November, 4th - 6th, 2022 @ Citronela Doc - Festival de Documentários de Ilhabela

 film & debate with Gilda Brasileiro


October, 18th, 6pm, 2022, @ University of Bremen Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research

"Gilda Brasileiro – Gegen das Vergessen: Sklaverei und Erinnerung in Brasilien” (Film + Diskussion)

with Viola Scheuerer and Roberto Manhães Reis


Nominated for Best Feature Documentary, 27th Pan-African Film Festival, 2019

Best Feature Documentary Nominee, South African Int´l Film Festival, 2019

Nominated for Humanitarian Award, Copenhagen Film Festival, 2019

Award Best Documentary, Festival de Cinema do Vale do Ivinhema, 2018


Competition New Directors, 42nd São Paulo Int´l Film Festival, Brazil, 18.10.-31.10.2018

Competition, Smithsonian African American Film Fest, Washington DC, USA, 24.10.-27.10.2018

Competition Première Brasil, 20th Rio Int´l Film Festival, Brazil, 1.11.-11.11.2018

Competition, 15th Festival de Cinema do Vale do Ivinhema, Brazil, 18.11.-23.11.2018

Competition Panorama Schweiz, 54th Solothurner Filmtage, Switzerland, 24.1..-31.1.2019

Competition, 27th Pan-African Film Festival in Los Angeles, USA, 7.2.-18.2.2019

Competition, South African Inter´l Film Festival, Johannesburg, 1.-11.3.2019

Festival of Transcultural Cinema, Freiburg, Germany, 28.5.-2.6.2019

Mostra de Filme Etnográfico, 7th Congresso da APA, Lissbon, Portugal, 3.6.-7.6.2019

CineOP, 14th Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto, Brazil, 6.6.-10.6.2019

Festival de Cine Etnográfico, Quito, Ecuador, 22.8.-27.8.2019

21th CinemAfrica, Stockholm, Sweden, 2.10.-6.10.2019

10th Cabo Verde Int´l Filmfestival, Cap Verde, 15.-19.10.2019

12th Encontro de Cinema Negro Zózimo Bulbul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23.10.-3.11.2019

13. Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de Uruguai, Montevideo, 27.11.-7.12.2019

Brazilian Film Week, Cairo, Egypt, 2.12.-7.12.2019

4. Cine Brasil Marginal, Zürich, Switzerland, 27.2.-29.2.2020

LASA Filmfestival, Guadalajara, México, 13.5.-16.5.2020

27. CineLatino, Tübingen, Stuttgart, Reutlingen. Freiburg, Germany, 15.7.-22.2020


TV release in Brazil @ Canal Brasil

on Brazilian Black Awareness Day, 11/20/2019 - 6 pm

alternative dates: 11/21 - 8:25 am & 11/22 - 14:10 pm

 TV release in the US @ AfroPoP, BlackPublicMedia

February, 17th, 2020, 8pm



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BIMIFF #2 _recorte_pt.pdf
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Tales of a civilized slavery by Danê Ja
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Download 22/01/2019
Filme resgata a história oculta da escr
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Download 04/02/2019
Gilda Brasileiro - Contra o esquecimento
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Revista de Cinema, Brazil 05/02/2019
Longa sobre Gilda Brasileiro está no Pa
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 381.3 KB